Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 023 : Portable Toilet

The FT Day Celebration is on-going At Labuan Square, I think they have a big event for this as they will be doing the "closing ceremony" around this week and next week - everyday they will have show and so and on 26th will be finale.

So, earlier Luf and I went to bluewave to deliver the DVD Digital Negative for "Love Affair" Party. We parked our car at the usual space and spotted, this colorful boxes.
I is very thoughtful of the organiser to provide portable toilet.
In previous years, I don't recall they have this.
For such a big event - expected to have lots of people coming and their is no public toilet nearby?
I hope this is really a portable toilet and not a portable changing room for the artist!

But the odd part is that, this thingy was placed right in front of the Melting Pot Restaurant. 
What are they thinking?