Let's talk about shampoo now - I am only using two shampoo in particular and this is one of them.
This is not my primary shampoo but in case the primary one not available, this would be my second best option.
But today - I pick up slightly different from usual - ANTI DANDRUFF.
Eversince I went for hair re-bonding, my dandruff gotten worse than ever.
So it's about time to try out this type of shampoo to treat the bad dandruff.
Okay enough of that being said, as what I promised to myself - on every post, we shall learn a lit more about what's in the picture.
Let's do it.
Dandruff is also known as Scurf or Pityriasis Simplex Capillitii - affects the scalp and causes flakes of skin to appear. It is a common condition. Our skin cells are forever renewing themselves.
When the skin cells on our scalp are renewed, the old ones are pushed to the surface and out of the scalp. For a person with dandruff, this means the renewal process for them is faster than others - more dead skin is shed that making the dandruff more noticeable. Dandruff also may occur if our scalp is oftenly exposed to extreme temperatures. (I bet this explained why my dundraff is never get any better - Labuan is to hot!).
But, even-so being said that dandruff is a common condition, we should not take it lightly as it could be chronical (long-term) or resulting to a certain stage of other damage or problem - for an example, when we have very bad dandruff problem - we could end up losing self-confident, meeting people and always worrying about the white flakes on shirt etc. Not to mentioned that is could lead to another serious issue like when the flaking is excessive - that could caused an underlying illness or condition, such as proriasis, a fungal infection (Malassezia), seborrheic dermatitis, or even head lice. It is clear and rational to conclude that it is crucial to treat dandruff problem physiologicaly and psychologicaly more seriously because it may affect both as I explained early.
The above information I wrote through my understanding after reading the article in
medical news today. They have explained more in detailed there and if you are keen to know more, don't be shy - just click
Photo by: iPhone3gs-v
Editing : Photoshop Express & Photoshop CS5